Complimentary health remedies and techniques provided here are for informative and educational purposes only, and not intended as a guide to diagnosing or treating health problems. We advise that you seek a qualified, appropriate health care professional to treat existing conditions or for advice of health issue prevention.
"Heal your self - you help heal the family, the family helps to heal the community, the community helps to heal the nation, the nations help to heal the world." - Native American Philosophy = The Wabanaki (People of Light)
Nature Beauty Tips & Recipes - Helpful Hints Dealing with Colds and Flu
The Immune System - Food for Mind and Body
Nature Beauty Tips & Recipes - Helpful Hints Dealing with Colds and Flu
The Immune System - Food for Mind and Body
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow, or a communicated sense of fineness.” - D.H. Lawrence
The most effective beautifier is the “smile”. Nothing takes off the years, gives a person that special glow, and invites connection and affection from others is a genuine, heartfelt smile. And smiling uses less muscles than frowning, and works against gravity rather than with it, strengthening the facial muscles and reducing the likelihood of your face dropping south anytime soon! :) And since we are naturally going to develop lines on our face from using facial muscles over many years, it is certainly more appealing and welcoming to have smile lines than the lines formed from furrowing your brow and pursing your lips!
Keep hydrated. There is no point slathering loads of moisturiser on your skin when internally you are the equivalent of a desiccated coconut! The recommended intake of water is two litres (aside from drinking any other fluids such as teas, soft drinks and fruit juice etc) per day. Should you smoke, or drink coffee or alcohol, it is likely you will need to increase your daily water intake, as these other substances are known to dehydrate the body. When taking in two litres of water over the course of your day, it is important to urinate regularly to avoid health problems arising from holding in too much fluid. Good health and hydrated skin depends on maintaining the natural balance of fluid in the body. Keep fit. Regular exercise (three or more times a week) and a healthy diet founded on plentiful fruit and vegetables, helps give your skin a beautiful glow and assists in toning and firming your facial and body muscles. Should you have health conditions, or potential health problems, it is important to contact your health care professional before starting any form of physical fitness regimen. Confidence. Confidence is not about boastful conceit. Genuine confidence is about self-value, and acceptance of one’s own distinctiveness and particular brand of attractiveness. Nurturing your inner beauty. Kindness, compassion consideration, courtesy, integrity, honesty, sensitivity. A kind warm heart creates a glow which radiates a special beauty, not only from the face but from the whole person. Anti-beauty behaviours and substances—smoking; frowning; taking drugs regularly; sunbathing or using UV tanning treatments; eating loads of fatty, salty, sugary, additive-loaded foods (many fast foods and takeaway foods fall into this category). Regularly consuming foods containing transfats and highly saturated animal fats. Don’t exercise, or very irregularly. Avoiding drinking your daily recommended amount of water. Never or hardly ever eat fruit/vegetables (except for on pizzas or fast food burgers). Regularly drinking soft drinks, alcohol, and coffee. Being a “glass half empty”, harshly critical or disagreeable person is a wonderful way of appearing less attractive. Are your skincare products and cosmetics natural? Many of us use products on our faces filled with laboratory created chemicals which have been tested on animals. If you support companies which use natural ingredients—proven safe ingredients, you are using your consumer dollar to reduce atrocious cruelty, and consequent deaths, to rabbits and other gentle animals. Companies which have never tested on animals and use proven natural, safe ingredients include Jurlique, Natio, Innoxa, Trilogy, Earth’s Beauty, Sun Dog, Perfect Potion, Vitale, Sukin, and Attitudeline. Some companies label their products as “not tested on animals” or “against animal testing” when they have outsourced their animal testing, or their company is owned by a larger company which continue to test on animals such as Avon (which had claimed for years that it was not testing on animals and continue to say this on its website when in 2013, it would discovered Avon had continued testing on animals and still does). Check animal welfare sites such as Animals Australia for further information on this topic. . |
A natural, effective and very inexpensive toner is organic camomile tea. Simply brew up this herbal tea, allow to cool, or cool in the refrigerator. After cleansing, splash the cooled camomile tea over your face, then moisturise. Camomile is also a natural anti-inflammatory so it can also assist in healing lesions, blemishes, or redness, as well as help tighten pores and reduce bags under the eyes– lightly dag the cooled tea bag under your eyes after cleansing. NATURAL TEETH WHITENER If you are concerned about the colour of your teeth, a good way to remove stains and whiten your teeth, caps or veneers, is to use baking soda. Baking soda or Bicarbonate of Soda is non-toxic and often used as a household cleaner. To use baking soda to whiten your teeth, either sprinkle baking soda on a damp toothbrush , or sprinkle a layer of baking soda on top of your regular toothpaste, and brush as normal. Repeat if necessary. The taste isn’t great but it is extremely effective for whitening in most cases and extremely inexpensive. Under Eye Bags To help tighten under eye puffiness, lying down, place two thin slices of cooled slice of raw potato under each eye. Leave for 10 minutes. Alternatively, place a teaspoon of grated cooled raw potato under each eye. ALMOND AND HONEY SCRUB 2 tablespoons crushed almonds 1 tablespoon honey Mix. Leave on face for 5 to 10 minutes as the honey will help to drawn out impurities and is a natural inflammatory. Rub in well then rinse. FACE OR BODY CLEANSER This simple natural recipe cleanses the skin of dirt and makeup without drying out the surface. It is suitable for sensitive, combination and normal skin types. ½ teaspoon powdered rosemary leaves or peppermint leaves ½ teaspoon powdered rose petals or lavender flowers. ½ cup ground oatmeal ¼ cup finely ground almond meal ⅓ finely ground sunflower seeds A pinch of cinnamon powder 1—2 % Purified water , organic soy milk or sorbolene as a binding ingredient. 1. Mix dry ingredients thoroughly in a medium sized bowl. 2. Add binding ingredient to dry mixture to a consistency suitable for a face and throat cleanser (thin to medium consistency). Or to use as a body cleanser, add less binding ingredient to form a thicker consistency. 3. Allow ingredients to thicken for 2—5 minutes. It can be used immediately or stored in a plastic container in a cool dry place for up to four weeks, or in the freezer for up to a year APPLE CIDAR VINEGAR TONER
With Calendula & Elder Flower 1 large bottle of “mother” apple cider vinegar 2 grams calendula flowers 3 grams elder flowers 1 gram lavender or lime/linden or rose petals Cut, grind and pulp dry ingredients, then add apple cidar vinegar (a food processor can be used). Allow the toner to settle for two weeks, stirring daily with a metal spoon (sterilise spoon each time before use with hot/or boiling water). Keep bottle of toner in the refrigerator during the two week settling period. MUD FACIAL PACK 3 tablespoons plain organic soy yoghurt 3 tablespoons red or green cosmetic clay (cosmetic clay can be purchased from Perfect Potion, some health food stores, and other suppliers—don’t dig your own clay out of the ground.) or fuller’s earth. Mix ingredients into a paste and pat on to your face with gentle, upward strokes. Allow to dry for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water. PAPAYA MOISTURISING AND UPLIFTING CREAM 2 tablespoons mashed ripe papaya or paw paw 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel Mix ingredients into a smooth paste and apply to your cleansed face and neck. Leave mixture on for 5 minutes , then rinse off with cool water. The recipe can be drying on your skin if it is left on longer than 5 minutes. The natural fruit acid and enzymes will help remove dead skin cells and leave your skin feeling smoother and more supple. |
Complimentary health remedies and techniques provided here are for educational purposes only and not intended as a guide for diagnosing or treating health problems. Health disorders should be treated by an appropriate health therapist.
No matter what time of year, flu and colds are an ever-present, potential health issue, reminding us of the the necessity to nurture our body’s immune system to deal with various external threats. This segment provides a number of helpful hints to lessen the chances of falling ill, or if you become unwell, heightening your body’s defense to assist fighting off sickness.
Tips to keeping your immune system—your body’s defense system operating at maximum efficiency. 1) Stay well-rested. If your body is tired, your body’s resistance will be down, and if you get ill, it will be more difficult for your body to fight off the illness. 2) Eat a healthy diet containing plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. 3) Drink your daily water requirement to keep your body flushed and cleansed. Some herbal teas which can be very helpful to the body’s self-defence mechanisms including rosehip (high in vitamin c), lemongrass (relaxing, cleansing and helps fortify the immune system), and camomile (which has anti-inflammatory properties whether drunk or applied to the skin for other external ailments). 4) Olive Leaf Extract (found at health food stores and some pharmacies) taken twice daily is known to provide a powerful boost to the body’s immune system. Best to take regularly before getting ill, but also helpful to take to fight off illness if you are already sick. 5) (Further tips of Dr Joseph Mercola ) —Avoid sugar and processed foods. Sugar decreases the function of your immune system almost immediately, and as you likely know, a strong immunie system is key to fighting off viruses and other illness. Be aware that sugar is present in foods you may not suspect, as an added ingredient. 6) Dealing with stress - We all face some stress everyday, but if stress becomes overwhelming then your body will be less able to fight off the flu and other illness. If you feel that stress is taking a toll on your health, consider using an energy psychology tool such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFI) which is remarkably effective in relieving stress associated with all kinds of events, from work to family trauma. You can check out my free, 25-page EFT manual for some guidelines on how to perform EFT. 7) Exercise—When you exercise, you increase your circulation and your blood flow throughout your body. The components of your immune system are also better circulated, which means your immune system has a better chance of finding an illness before it spreads. Increase your intake of healthy and essential fats like the omega-3 found in krill oil, which is crucial for maintaining health. It is also vitally important to avoid damaged omega-6 oils that are trans fats and in processed foods as it will seriously damage your immune response. 8) Omega Three Oil—Increase your intake of healthy and essential fats like the omega-3 found in krill oil, which is crucial for maintaining health. It is also vitally important to avoid damaged omega-6 oils that are trans fats and in processed foods as it will seriously damage your immune response. Flaxseed contains the highest amount of omega 3 oil and most environmentally-sustainable. 9) Wash your hands—Washing your hands will decrease your likelihood of spreading a virus to your nose, mouth or other people. Be sure you don't use antibacterial soap for this -- antibacterial soaps are completely unnecessary, and they cause far more harm than good. Instead, identify a simple chemical-free soap that you can switch your family to. 10) Eat Garlic Regularly—Garlic works like a broad-spectrum antibiotic against bacteria, virus, and protozoa in the body. And unlike with antibiotics, no resistance can be built up so it is an absolutely safe product to use. However, if you are allergic or don't enjoy garlic it would be best to avoid as it will likely cause more harm than good. |
Helpful hints should you get ill
1) Plenty of rest.
2) Plenty of fluids—in particular water and herbal teas in particular lemongrass, rosehip (lots of vitamin c), and camomile (anti-inflammatory). And the traditional remedy of lemon juice and honey, or ginger tea and honey can be extremely helpful for a sore, inflamed throat. Pineapple juice is also a great help for dealing with a sore throat.
3) If you get a sore throat, gargle with water and a half teaspoon of salt, two or more times daily, until the pain subsides.
4) Eat good healthy food especially fruit and vegetables, and avoid sugary, processed, and junk snack food.
5) Use tissues (recycled product is best for environmental reasons) and dispose of used tissues immediately and thoughtfully.
6) When you are ill, avoid crowded places or confined spaces such as airplanes, shopping centres and workplaces. You are a vehicle for the germs to spread—be a considerate citizen and keep them to yourself. If you must go out, make sure you wash your hands often, to reduce the spread of germs.
1) Plenty of rest.
2) Plenty of fluids—in particular water and herbal teas in particular lemongrass, rosehip (lots of vitamin c), and camomile (anti-inflammatory). And the traditional remedy of lemon juice and honey, or ginger tea and honey can be extremely helpful for a sore, inflamed throat. Pineapple juice is also a great help for dealing with a sore throat.
3) If you get a sore throat, gargle with water and a half teaspoon of salt, two or more times daily, until the pain subsides.
4) Eat good healthy food especially fruit and vegetables, and avoid sugary, processed, and junk snack food.
5) Use tissues (recycled product is best for environmental reasons) and dispose of used tissues immediately and thoughtfully.
6) When you are ill, avoid crowded places or confined spaces such as airplanes, shopping centres and workplaces. You are a vehicle for the germs to spread—be a considerate citizen and keep them to yourself. If you must go out, make sure you wash your hands often, to reduce the spread of germs.
How does the immune system work, is a question that most people ask when they are sick. However, the immune system is always at work whether you are sick or not.
Your immune system is your body's natural ability to get over an illness or take care of harmful microorganisms that try to invade your body. You would be surprised how many of these organisms try to invade your body every day, and your immune system works tirelessly around the clock ensuring you stay and feel healthy. The immune system is made up of many different cells, organs, tissues and substances within your body, which each play their own role in eliminating these foreign organisms and protecting you from various diseases and illnesses. These foreign organisms come in the form of viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi. They are known as “microbes.” The human body is the ideal environment for these microbes and so they try to break into your body and use its resources for their own ends. This is what makes you sick. Your immune system's job is to keep these organisms out, or if they have managed to get in, track them down and eliminate them. It's like your body's 'defence force' – each cell or organ playing its own part in eliminating the invading, foreign microorganism that wants to harm you. How does the immune system work in our cells? The cells in the immune system are known in layman's terms as the 'white blood cells' (the Leukocytes) and are different to your red blood cells (erythrocytes), which are responsible for carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide. The white blood cells are remarkable in many aspects, one of which is that some of these cells are capable of 'remembering' the millions of foreign organisms that have tried to invade your body in the past and are also capable of detecting a foreign organism early and easily. Some of these cells 'tag' the organism, while others work at producing secretions to wipe the organism out. As you can see the immune system work, each white blood cell also has it's own role in discovering and eliminating these invaders. If we did not have an immune system, we would never get over the flu or even a minor cold and would end up dying due to the simplest of illnesses. Some people have such a strong immune system that they don't catch a cold or get sick at all in some cases. This doesn't mean that their bodies were not invaded by the bacteria or virus, only that their immune system was strong enough to defeat it Two people can often be exposed to someone with the flu, and only one of them will 'catch' it and the other won't. It had everything to do with the immune system, not with who was lucky enough to avoid the flu and not contract the virus. Some people may catch the flu only much later when their immune system is weaker. How does your immune system work against bacterial and viral invaders? The immune system has a remarkable ability to be able to distinguish between what is your body's own cells (known as 'self') and what is foreign (known as 'nonself'.) Each cell in your body has a marker to distinguish it as 'self.' When a cell travels without this marker, or a foreign molecule is attached to the cell, the immune system immediately recognizes the invader as 'nonself' and gets to work. You can see your immune system functioning through various every day occurrences. When you get cut, many kinds of viruses and bacteria invade your body through the cut in your skin. This is why it's a good idea to wash the wound, just to ensure that you can help the body out a bit. Your immune system gets to work immediately and destroys the foreign organisms that have invaded your body quickly and easily, while the skin heals and closes the cut. When an infection occurs, however, this is a clear sign that the immune system has missed something. The infection is usually inflamed or filled with pus, which is simply a side effect of the immune system. You would also be surprised how many germs and bacteria you eat every day. Not to worry, many of the bacteria are actually good for you, and those that aren't, are killed in the saliva or stomach acid. Food poisoning only occurs when a germ gets through, and your body will work tirelessly to get rid of it from your system. How does your immune system deal with environmental factors? When you itch from being bit by a mosquito, this is a sign that your immune system was at work and pushed out the poison that was trying to invade your body. Another example is when you get a splinter, the skin pushes out the splinter and the immune system destroys any harmful organisms that tried to get in. Allergies are also a clear sign of the immune system at work. However, allergies occur when the immune system is over-reacting or over-compensating for a foreign organism. This is why some people suffer more than others. You can see the immune system react in a very similar way during organ transplants when certain organs are rejected by the body. This is the immune system at work. With all this in mind, it is easy to see why it's so important to know the answers to: how does the immune system work. There are a number of factors which can contribute to a weak immune system – and these factors are usually the LACK of doing regular things that help in boosting your immune system Good nutrition is important for normal function of the immune system. Above information on the immune system was provided by |
The Taste of Being In The Moment
By Gaynor Long—Qualified Yoga Teacher and Master Spice Blender
By Gaynor Long—Qualified Yoga Teacher and Master Spice Blender
What is one of the key differences between eating a watermelon and a rockmelon or biting into a pink lady apple from W.A. or a granny smith apple from Stanthorpe? Indian philosophy offers an answer to this question. It is ‘rasa’.
At its simplest rasa means taste. It also means sap, juice, essence, Divine Nectar. It is the fundamental quality that defines and identifies that individual fruit. Of course all life forms have their own rasa that sets them apart from all others. Each time we open our mouths to eat or drink we are about to taste uniqueness. Rasa possesses 6 principal tastes : sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, astringent. As more flavours are added to a dish it takes on combinations of these 6 in overlapping layers. To taste in the present moment is deeply satisfying and requires all of the senses. It requires experiencing the rasa of food as a dynamic living energy and to be open to the ways that energy you are about to eat can express itself at different times or in different seasons. It’s easy to just stop at the outer layers of experience when eating …. honey is sweet, lemons are sour. However to fully experience the moment is to go so much deeper. To explore the intricacies of the sweetness of that particular variety of honey requires you to stay aware and focused while you eat. When you are focused in the moment, the past and the future fall away and you are fully experiencing the present. The following simple practice will help you to develop mindful eating so that you use all of your senses to explore the many levels of rasa. To begin, set aside an uninterrupted time to eat whether it’s a snack or a full meal. Choose your favourite food. Place the food in front of you. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Open your eyes and observe the food … the colour , the shape , the light. What is it that attracts you ? Reach for 1 item. As soon as your fingers touch the food register the texture, the temperature, the density. Now close your eyes and bring the food up to your mouth. Before you bite be aware of the aroma. Experience the different layers of smell and try to identify them. Now take a bite. Hear the sound that it makes and think about the nature of that sound. Begin to taste. Is it sweet, salty etc? Is the taste simple or complex? What do you enjoy? Now focus on the deeper layers of rasa. Does this food feel like it’s bursting with vibrancy? Do you experience its dynamic living energy that in turn will nourish you? Being in the present and appreciating the varied levels of rasa as you eat has many benefits. You can enjoy the sensual pleasure of eating more deeply and need less to feel satisfied. Living in the moment is very calming and relaxing. Focusing on the rasa element leads to a deeper experience of the interconnectedness of all living energies and how they effect one another ….. you with the plants and animals you eat and they with you. |